Monday, February 14, 2011

Ahmadinejad: Global Mahdi Revolution Has Begun

Ahmadinejad: Global Mahdi Revolution Has Begun

In his Revolution Day address, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared the beginning of the Mahdi Revolution, that he said would not be limited to the region but would spread across the globe:

Ahmadinejad : The revolution of 12 Imam is not limited to the region but the world  

He added that Iran was determined to complete its nuclear program, and that "the new Middle East would be a region without the U.S. and without the Zionist regime, and the world will taste the sweetness of a world without Zionists and bullies" (for more on Ahmadinejad's address, see Ahmadinejad In Iranian Revolution Day Address: Iran Is Firm In Continuing Nuclear Path – We Don't Need World Powers; There Will Be A New Middle East – Without The U.S. And Israel).

He said that by the end of his presidency, unemployment would be wiped out in Iran; that within a year, Iran would launch a live animal into space; and within a decade, it would do the same with Iranian astronauts.

It was reported that participants at the rally called "Death to Mubarak" and burned him in effigy, and that across the country fundraising drives to aid residents of Gaza and Palestine are underway.

Sources:,, Fars, Mehr, Press TV, Iran, February 11, 2011

Ahmadinejad In Iranian Revolution Day Address: A New Middle East

Ahmadinejad In Iranian Revolution Day Address: Iran Is Firm In Continuing Nuclear Path – We Don't Need World Powers; There Will Be A New Middle East – Without The U.S. And Israel

In his address marking the 32nd anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad insists that the nation remains determined to continue its nuclear path, as it marks the 32nd anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution. He also stressed that a new Middle East will be created in the near future without the U.S. or Israel.

"The Iranian nation will continue its way and it does not need the world powers to complete its nuclear program," he told tens of thousands of demonstrators at Tehran's Azadi Square today. He added that the Western countries should adopt a coordination policy instead of a confrontation policy.
(For more on address, see Ahmadinejad: Global Mahdi Revolution Has Begun)

"I assure you that despite all the evil and complicated plans, and thanks to the resistance of the nations, there will be a new Middle East but without the U.S. and Israel," he said.

He urged the arrogant powers not to interfere in the internal affairs of the region's countries, such as Egypt and Tunisia.

"What are you doing in Afghanistan? What are these military bases in the region for? Are you compassionate or hypocrite?" Ahmadinejad asked.

He also argued that the West is deceitful in claiming that with the two-state slogan it can pave the way for Israel to dominate the region.

Hailing the revolution in Egypt, the Iranian president warned the Egyptian people to be vigilant, insisting that "It is your right to be free. It is your right to decide your government, and it is your right to freely express yourself about your country and global issues."

"Be united and do not fear corrupt governments, and victory is near," he added.
The masses of demonstrators carried placards in support of the popular uprising of the Egyptian and Tunisian nations.

"Iran is now the most independent and dignified nation," he said. "Iran's revolution was a great event in moving towards summits of perfection."

The Iranian nation toppled the U.S.-backed regime of former dictator Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in 1979, ending the 2,500 years of monarchic rule in the country. Every year, Iranians mark the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, which begins with the anniversary of the return to Iran of the late founder of the Islamic Republic Imam, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, on February 1, 1979. February 1 marks the beginning of 10 days of celebrations the "10-Day Dawn," which culminate on February 11 – the anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution.

Source: Press TV, Iran, February 11, 2011

Hosni Mubarak's 'stolen' $70 billion fortune

Hosni Mubarak's 'stolen' $70 billion fortune

Now that Egypt's longtime president has stepped down, attention turns to the wealth he allegedly piled up over three decades in power

Now that Egyptian protesters have pushed Hosni Mubarak into relinquishing power, they want him to return the fortune he and his family allegedly amassed during his 30-year reign. "If we can get back some of the billions stolen, I will be satisfied with our revolution," one 29-year-old Egyptian told The Washington Post. How much money does Mubarak have — and do the Egyptian people really have a shot at getting it back? Here, a quick guide to the fight over Mubarak's money:

How much money are we talking about?

Nobody knows for sure. Estimates of the Mubarak family's wealth go as high as $70 billion — more than Microsoft founder Bill Gates is worth. The breakdown, according to ABC News, includes $17 billion for Mubarak, $10 billion for his second son, Gamal, and $40 billion for the rest of the family. (Watch a Bloomberg report about Mubarak's great wealth)

Where's the loot?

Some of it's tied up in real estate. Mubarak and his sons own property not only in Egypt, but also London, Los Angeles and New York, according to reports cited in The Washington Post. In London, Gamal Mubarak, 47, owns a house in a neighborhood where homes sell for as much as $20 million. As for the rest of the fortune, the family reportedly has billions stashed in foreign banks and offshore accounts.

How did Mubarak get so rich?

He didn't do it by squirreling away his salary. As president, Mubarak made just $808 per month in 2007 and 2008, according to a Cairo think tank. Mubarak reportedly made his first millions through military contracts during his earlier career as an air force officer. Later his sons allegedly took huge cuts from businesses investing in Egypt, giving favored entrepreneurs virtual monopolies in return, according to The Sunday Telegraph. Other possible sources of wealth: Government corruption and the sale of state companies and land.

Will Egypt be able to get the money back?

Maybe. Switzerland has frozen whatever assets the Mubaraks and their associates still have there, and other countries are under pressure to do the same. Anti-corruption watchdogs are calling for criminal charges against the Mubaraks. A conviction would help banks return the cash. But, according to Britain's Sunday Telegraph, Mubarak scrambled in his last days in office to hide his assets. "We think their financial advisers have moved some of the money around," a senior Western intelligence source told the Telegraph. "If he had real money in Zurich, it may be gone by now."

Ezekiel 30:4 - A sword shall come upon Egypt, and anguish shall be in Cush

Ezekiel 30:4

 "A sword shall come upon Egypt,
   and anguish shall be in Cush,
when the slain fall in Egypt,
   and her wealth is carried away,
   and her foundations are torn down."

Southern Sudan Suffers a Blow as Fighting Ends a Truce

Southern Sudan Suffers a Blow as Fighting Ends a Truce

KAMPALA, Uganda — Fresh battles between renegade soldiers and the southern Sudanese military in recent days have left more than 100 people dead in southern Sudan, sending tremors through a heavily militarized region that only days ago celebrated the final results of a referendum to separate from the rest of the country.

The southern Sudanese military clashed on Wednesday and Thursday with hundreds of rebel fighters loyal to a renegade general, George Athor; the fighting killed 105 people in the state of Jonglei and broke a one-month armistice. The military said Friday that the fighting had dissipated, but it remained unclear how long the calm would last.

“The cease-fire is broken,” said a spokesman for the southern Sudanese army, Philip Aguer. “This was a surprise move.”

The fighting comes less than a week after official results of the southern referendum were announced, with more than 98 percent of the nearly four million voters choosing to separate from northern Sudan after decades of civil war. During the war, rebels fought together in a coalition against the north but have at times turned against one another.

This vast region is considered to be one of the poorest, least-developed places in the world, and it is teeming with soldiers. Security is routinely singled out as the most important priority in southern Sudan right now.

According to the 2005 peace treaty that brought the civil war between the north and the south to an end, a total of 180,000 soldiers from north and south Sudan were supposed to demobilize and reintegrate into society. But so far only about 400 soldiers across the entire country have completed that process, and the United Nations has been blamed for hindering the country’s demobilization program through fiscal mismanagement.

While the southern Sudanese government and military have expressed confidence about their grip on the region in the period before independence — expected to be declared on July 9 — there are a number of signs that the fragile status quo could crumble.

Last weekend, a rebellion by southern Sudanese soldiers in Sudan’s joint-integrated units in Upper Nile State left 50 people dead, including children and a United Nations employee.

Then on Wednesday, near the town of Fangak in neighboring Jonglei, two southern Sudanese army trucks were patrolling a road when they were destroyed by mines; 16 soldiers were killed in the blast and the ensuing battle. The southern Sudanese military said the mines were laid by rebel soldiers loyal to General Athor, who led a rebellion last year when he was not elected governor of Jonglei.

He signed a cease-fire with the southern Sudanese government in January, just days before the referendum, paving the way for what international election observers called a free, fair and peaceful vote.

Under the terms of the cease-fire, General Athor’s men were expected to assemble at agreed-upon points, including one near Fangak, and rejoin the military. But the fighting reignited on Wednesday, catching the southern Sudanese military off guard.

By Thursday afternoon, the rebels had captured the town, and they held it for a number of hours before being driven out. When the fighting finally stopped, the southern Sudanese military said, 50 soldiers and 39 civilians had been killed, and 65 people had been wounded.

The fighting kept medical aid workers from helping the victims. “It is imperative that immediate access to urgent lifesaving medical care is granted by the relevant authorities to both civilians and all parties to the conflict,” the aid group Doctors Without Borders said in a statement.

The southern Sudanese army said that it did not know why its forces had been attacked, but that it did not want a return to war.

“We still want reconciliation with George Athor,” said Mr. Aguer, the southern military spokesman. “We want people to start reconstructing their lives.”

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Gerald Celente: Top 11 Trends of 2011

Top 11 Trends of 2011

The mid-January issue of the Trends Journal will feature our "Top Trends 2011" — The Trends Research Institute’s compendium of the dominant trends for the year ahead. The following synopses of these trends provide insights into some of what to expect. After the tumultuous years of the Great Recession, a battered people may wish that 2011 will bring a return to kinder, gen-tler times. But that is not what we are predicting. Instead, the fruits of government and institutional action – and inaction – on many fronts will ripen in unplanned-for fashions. Trends we have previously identified, and that have been brewing for some time, will reach maturity in 2011, impacting just about everyone in the world.

1. Wake-Up Call  In 2011, the people of all nations will fully recognize how grave economic conditions have become, how ineffectual and self-serving the so-called solutions have been, and how dire the con-sequences will be. Having become convinced of the inability of leaders and know-it-all "arbiters of every-thing" to fulfill their promises, the people will do more than just question authority, they will defy authority. The seeds of revolu-tion will be sown….

2. Crack-Up 2011 Among our Top Trends for last year was the "Crash of 2010." What happened? The stock market didn’t crash. We know. We made it clear in our Autumn Trends Journal that we were not forecasting a stock market crash – the equity markets were no longer a legitimate indicator of recovery or the real state of the economy. Yet the reliable indicators (employment num-bers, the real estate market, currency pres-sures, sovereign debt problems) all bordered between crisis and disaster. In 2011, with the arsenal of schemes to prop them up depleted, we predict "Crack- Up 2011": teetering economies will collapse, currency wars will ensue, trade barriers will be erected, economic unions will splinter, and the onset of the "Greatest Depression" will be recognized by everyone….

3. Screw the People As times get even tougher and people get even poorer, the "au-thorities" will intensify their efforts to extract the funds needed to meet fiscal obligations. While there will be variations on the theme, the governments’ song will be the same: cut what you give, raise what you take.

4. Crime Waves No job + no money + compounding debt = high stress, strained relations, short fuses. In 2011, with the fuse lit, it will be prime time for Crime Time. As Gerald Celente says, "When people lose everything and they have nothing left to lose, they lose it." Hardship-driven crimes will be committed across the socioeconomic spectrum by legions of the on-the-edge desperate who will do whatever they must to keep a roof over their heads and put food on the table….

5.Crackdown on Liberty As crime rates rise, so will the voices demand-ing a crackdown. A national crusade to "Get Tough on Crime" will be waged against the citizenry. And just as in the "War on Terror," where "suspected ter-rorists" are killed before proven guilty or jailed without trial, in the "War on Crime" everyone is a suspect until proven innocent….

6. Alternative Energy In laboratories and workshops unnoticed by main-stream analysts, scientific visionaries and entrepreneurs are forging a new physics incorporating principles once thought impossible, working to cre-ate devices that liberate more energy than they consume. What are they, and how long will it be before they can be brought to market? Shrewd investors will ignore the "can’t be done" skepti-cism, and examine the newly emerging energy trend opportunities that will come of age in 2011….

7. Journalism 2.0 Though the trend has been in the making since the dawn of the Internet Revolution, 2011 will mark the year that new methods of news and information distribution will render the 20th century model obsolete. With its unparalleled reach across borders and language barriers, "Jour-nalism 2.0" has the potential to influ-ence and educate citizens in a way that governments and corporate media moguls would never permit. Of the hundreds of trends we have forecast over three decades, few have the pos-sibility of such far-reaching effects….

8. Cyberwars Just a decade ago, when the digital age was blooming and hackers were looked upon as annoying geeks, we forecast that the intrinsic fragility of the Internet and the vulnerability of the data it carried made it ripe for cyber-crime and cyber- warfare to flourish. In 2010, every major government ac-knowledged that Cyberwar was a clear and present danger and, in fact, had already be-gun. The demonstrable effects of Cyberwar and its companion, Cybercrime, are already significant – and will come of age in 2011. Equally disruptive will be the harsh mea-sures taken by global governments to control free access to the web, identify its users, and literally shut down computers that it consid-ers a threat to national security….

9. Youth of the World Unite University degrees in hand yet out of work, in debt and with no prospects on the horizon, feeling betrayed and angry, forced to live back at home, young adults and 20-somethings are mad as hell, and they’re not going to take it anymore. Filled with vigor, rife with pas-sion, but not mature enough to control their impulses, the confrontations they engage in will often escalate disproportionately. Government efforts to exert control and return the youth to quiet complacency will be ham-fisted and ineffectual. The Revolu-tion will be televised … blogged, YouTubed, Twittered and….

10. End of The World! The closer we get to 2012, the louder the calls will be that the "End is Near!" There have always been sects, at any time in history, that saw signs and portents proving the end of the world was imminent. But 2012 seems to hold a special meaning across a wide segment of "End-time" believers. Among the Armageddonites, the actual end of the world and annihilation of the Earth in 2012 is a matter of certainty. Even the rational and informed that carefully follow the news of never-ending global crises, may sometimes feel the world is in a perilous state. Both streams of thought are leading many to reevaluate their chances for personal survival, be it in heaven or on earth….

11. The Mystery Trend ... will be revealed upon publication of the Trends Journal in mid-January.

 Are you ready for the future?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Is flotilla battle signaling start of 'Gog and Magog'?

Is flotilla battle signaling start of 'Gog and Magog'?

Council of Judea announces result will be 'third and final redemption'

Posted: June 04, 2010
12:35 am Eastern

A council of rabbis in Israel says their nation's conflict with Turkey over a flotilla of "aid" ships headed for the blockaded Gaza Strip controlled by the terrorist Hamas organization just may be the beginning of the "Gog and Magog process where the world is against us, but which ends with the third and final redemption."

The announcement comes today from the Rabbinical Council of Judea and Samaria, whose statement was reported by Israel National News.

WND columnist Greg Laurie just months ago explained the biblical reference to Gog and Magog, in the book of Ezekiel, as a prophecy that a "large force," will attack Israel from the north.
"We don't know why or exactly when this will take place. But this much I know: There is a lot going on in our current headlines that leads me to believe it could happen at any time," he wrote then, at the end of 2009.

"What does this mean to us? A lot. When Magog and her allies attack Israel, God will intervene and decimate the armies of Magog and its allies. Because of this, the Bible tells us, the Jewish people will give glory to God. Today, many Israelis are atheists. Certainly you will find very few Jewish people who believe in Jesus as their Messiah, although there are some. But they do have a determination to return to their homeland. They realize that they can look to no other nation for their protection or security and have returned to Israel, thus fulfilling prophecy from Scripture. But when the Holy Spirit is poured out on Israel after God drives back the invading armies of Magog, the Bible predicts there will be a revival in which numerous Jewish people will come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah," Laurie explained.

According to the INN, the council stated, "the legitimacy of our people is not derived from the nations of the world and their poisonous traditions, rather from the Torah of Israel which teaches us that [Israel] 'is a people that shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations.'"

The council, which was assembled by Rabbi Zalman Melamed of Beit El and is supported by religious Zionist rabbis in the regions of Samaria and Judea, included a blessing for soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces.

It also suggested an emergency government be developed to lead during a time of conflict.

INN explained it interprets the "Gog and Magog" reference as a "vision of a war where the world is united against Israel that will precede the final redemption of Israel and the world."

The explanation continues, "The prophecy's symbolism involves a prince called Gog of Magog, leader of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal, who leads a coalition that includes Persia (Iran), Cush, Phut, Gomer, and Beit Togarmah against Israel."

According to Ezekiel 39, Israel is successful against the attackers:
And thou, son of man, prophesy against Gog, and say: Thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal; and I will turn thee about and lead thee on, and will cause thee to come up from the uttermost parts of the north; and I will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel; and I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, and will cause thine arrows to fall out of thy right hand. Thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel, thou, and all thy bands, and the peoples that are with thee; I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort and to the beasts of the field, to be devoured.
The INN report continued with quotes that God will have compassion on Israel, "and they shall dwell safely in their land, and none shall make them afraid."

Laurie explains that the existence of the nation of Israel, created on May 14, 1948, is a miracle in itself.

"Never has a nation been able to maintain its national identity 300 to 500 years after being from its homeland – until Israel," he wrote. "Today, one will look in vain for the descendants of the Hittite nation or the Babylonian nation, although they were major powers in the ancient world. In fact, were it not for the Bible, the Hittites never would have been remembered by history, having sunk deep into the sands of time. There was a time that scoffers ridiculed the Bible for even mentioning the Hittites, as it was thought they were a fictional people. But in the 19th century, archaeologists confirmed the accuracy of Scripture when they uncovered irrefutable evidence of the extensive Hittite empire," he said.

"You won't find any Hittites today – or Babylonians, for that matter. But not so with Israel. How did the nation survive when the mighty Hittites, Babylonians and others vanished? Because God promised they would. In his book, 'What in the World Is Going On?' David Jeremiah writes, 'The return of the Jews to Israel in 1948 was an astounding event unprecedented in world history. Never had a decimated ancient people managed to retain their individual identity through almost 20 centuries and re-establish their nation in their original homeland. This event was specifically prophesied, and it happened exactly as foretold.'"

Laurie called it a "super-sign" in history.

"Events predicted in the Bible that have already transpired include Israel's scattering; Israel's regathering; Israel's regaining of Jerusalem; Israel's isolation; and Israel's being attacked. The Bible tells us that the final conflict of humanity will be centered on Jerusalem and the Middle East," he said.

"It is really amazing when you think about the fascination with Jerusalem and Israel, yet it was predicted long ago. God has promised a blessing for those who bless Israel, and a curse on those who don't," Laurie said.

"Could these events from our headlines of today explode and culminate in the scenario we read about in the Bible? Yes, they could. Will they? I don't know. We have to be very careful in interpreting current events," Laurie said.

"But this I do know: Jesus Christ is coming back. It could happen at any time. It could happen this year or this month or this week. It could happen today," said Laurie, the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif., which is one of the largest churches in America.

Israel's conflict with a Turkish fleet sailing for the blockaded Gaza has turned largely around the world on reports of the "massacre" by Israelis against the "peace" activists aboard the flotilla, even though video of the event reveals otherwise.

© 2011 WorldNetDaily

'Al-Qaida on brink of using nuclear bomb'

'Al-Qaida on brink of using nuclear bomb'

By Heidi Blake and Christopher Hope, The Daily Telegraph

Al-Qaida members participate in military training in Afghanistan in this file photo.

Photograph by: Agence France-Presse Files, National Post, With Files From News Services

Al-Qaida is on the verge of producing radioactive weapons after sourcing nuclear material and recruiting rogue scientists to build "dirty" bombs, according to leaked diplomatic documents.

A leading atomic regulator has privately warned that the world stands on the brink of a "nuclear 9/11".

Security briefings suggest that jihadi groups are also close to producing "workable and efficient" biological and chemical weapons that could kill thousands if unleashed in attacks on the West.

Thousands of classified American cables obtained by the WikiLeaks website and passed to The Daily Telegraph detail the international struggle to stop the spread of weapons-grade nuclear, chemical and biological material around the globe.

At a Nato meeting in January 2009, security chiefs briefed member states that al-Qaida was plotting a program of "dirty radioactive IEDs", makeshift nuclear roadside bombs that could be used against British troops in Afghanistan.

As well as causing a large explosion, a "dirty bomb" attack would contaminate the area for many years.

The briefings also state that al-Qaida documents found in Afghanistan in 2007 revealed that "greater advances" had been made in bioterrorism than was previously realized. An Indian national security adviser told American security personnel in June 2008 that terrorists had made a "manifest attempt to get fissile material" and "have the technical competence to manufacture an explosive device beyond a mere dirty bomb".

Alerts about the smuggling of nuclear material, sent to Washington from foreign U.S. embassies, document how criminal and terrorist gangs were trafficking large amounts of highly radioactive material across Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

The alerts explain how customs guards at remote border crossings used radiation alarms to identify and seize cargoes of uranium and plutonium.

Freight trains were found to be carrying weapons-grade nuclear material across the Kazakhstan-Russia border, highly enriched uranium was transported across Uganda by bus, and a "small time hustler" in Lisbon offered to sell radioactive plates stolen from Chernobyl.

In one incident in September 2009, two employees at the Rossing Uranium Mine in Namibia smuggled almost half a ton of uranium concentrate powder - yellowcake - out of the compound in plastic bags.

"Acute safety and security concerns" were even raised in 2008 about the uranium and plutonium laboratory of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the nuclear safety watchdog.

Tomihiro Taniguchi, the deputy director general of the IAEA, has privately warned America that the world faces the threat of a "nuclear 9/11" if stores of uranium and plutonium were not secured against terrorists.

But diplomats visiting the IAEA's Austrian headquarters in April 2008 said that there was "no way to provide perimeter security" to its own laboratory because it has windows that leave it vulnerable to break-ins.

Senior British defence officials have raised "deep concerns" that a rogue scientist in the Pakistani nuclear program "could gradually smuggle enough material out to make a weapon", according to a document detailing official talks in London in February 2009.

Agricultural stores of deadly biological pathogens in Pakistan are also vulnerable to "extremists" who could use supplies of anthrax, foot and mouth disease and avian flu to develop lethal biological weapons.

Anthrax and other biological agents including smallpox, and avian flu could be sprayed from a shop-bought aerosol can in a crowded area, leaked security briefings warn.

The security of the world's only two declared smallpox stores in Atlanta, America, and Novosibirsk, Russia, has repeatedly been called into doubt by "a growing chorus of voices" at meetings of the World Health Assembly documented in the leaked cables.

The alarming disclosures come after Barack Obama, the U.S. president, last year declared nuclear terrorism "the single biggest threat" to international security with the potential to cause "extraordinary loss of life".

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

America's Real Most Wanted : Adnan Gulshair el Shukrijumah

America's Real Most Wanted : Adnan Gulshair el Shukrijumah

Adnan G. El Shukrijumah must be found
Or else he'll redefine the word hellhound
And truly shake disbelief down to the ground.
Adnan aims to cause much more than bloodshed.
The carnage that his hostility treads
Seeks to make nine eleven a watershed.
America this nuclear technician
Will use his knowledge with evil precision.
Large scale mass murder is his profession.
Locating Jafar the Pilot is a must.
We can't let him indulge in his bloody lust.
He has two choices: Mass Murderer or bust.
In our search for Osama we must remain undaunted,
But Adnan has become America's real most wanted.

Jean Philippe Gibson wrote this poem in the year 2006. Read more of his poetry at or if you have any question, comments, or inquiries for Jean Philippe Gibson e-mail him at